Friday, January 16, 2015

Tip 6: Can you give up the meat?

Today's blog is part six of our 10-part series on saving at least $1000 (or more) this year with very little pain on your part. Most of the tips will be easy and won't disrupt your routine!

Yesterday's blog made me think about being chubby. Yes, I am getting chubby, and I don't like it one bit. Maybe you feel my pain and also see a ballooning roll of chub peeking over the top of your jeans. Let's not call it a muffin top. A true muffin top is delicious, attractive and right. They taste wonderful. The chub I'm talking about is more like the pasty white jiggly dough that squeezes out of the can when I pop open refrigerator biscuits. Not attractive, and definitely not what I want to see hanging around my waist.

Since I'm all about frugality, I tried to think of a way to incorporate saving money into losing pounds. The easy solution is to stop buying food, of course, but then you'll all starve to death and stop reading my blog. We can't have that!

Instead, I had a serious discussion with my super brilliant (and hot) scientist husband who suggested we observe Meatless Monday. One day each week, we will eat a vegetarian diet. This is beneficial for a few good reasons:

  • Eating a few meatless meals each month saves money as most meat is pretty expensive. I can get a bag of beans for less than $1.50. A beef roast is close to $10, depending on size.
  • Meat, while high in protein, is also high in fat and calories. This contributes to my big bootay syndrome.
  • Eating less meat is better for the planet. Meat production contributes greatly to greenhouse gas emissions which is leading to climate change.
  • Eating more produce and less animal proteins is better for your overall health. This could lead to lower risks of obesity, cancer and heart disease. 
  • Less disease means you spend fewer dollars on healthcare. Great!

I'm not suggesting you become a vegetarian, because I know for certain, I could not be one. I love the meat (that's what she said), but the thought of challenging myself to come up with inexpensive and healthful non-meat meals is pretty exciting!

I estimate you could easily save $100/year having one day of meat-free eating. Monday, I will post a vegetarian dish sure to please your family!

Amanda Z

AmandaZ is the (mature) stay-at-home mom of Pork Chop, Southern gal, thrifty bad a$$ and writer of This blog tackles all things domestic - from child rearing to cooking and home improvement to frugality. All done with a touch of humor and common sense. This is definitely not your mama's home economics site!

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