Sunday, December 7, 2014

When you're about to go nuts, make peanut butter!

Anyone who has ever parented realizes that some days feel longer than others. Some days, you look at your little one and think, if I hear Beep Beep Beep Beep, Riding in my Automobileeeeeeeee one more time, I might snap. That super cute toy that plays the catchy little tune suddenly feels a bit like Chinese water torture, and one good hurl could find it in the middle of the street. You all know of what I speak.

Even if you haven't parented, you've probably had a sucktastic day and need some down time. Perhaps a coworker is driving you nuts or your husband is on his man-period. Whatever the issue, you need to do something to relieve the tension!

So what do you do?

My solution is wine...just kidding. Kind of. Actually, when life gets tough, few things invigorate the spirit quite like exercise. I know, I know. That requires you changing into clean yoga pants, and let's be clear, the ones you have on are dirty because of spilled baby food -  not yoga. In fact, it's safe to say, my yoga pants have NEVER seen an actual yoga class. I'm pretty proud of this record, and I'm not keen on breaking it.

So here is my list of exercises I feel aren't excruciatingly boring:


I'm going to plug it for the simple reason, most anyone can do it, and it's FUN. Remember those days in the club when you were young and shook your bad booty with reckless abandon? Yep, Zumba is a lot like that.  Once you figure out how to do the steps, you will be dancing like a pro!

*Image from

There are classes in almost every community and every skill level. In my community, the library even offers a class for seniors. So what if I go!?  The point is, find a class you like and shake it! If you can't find a class or just don't feel like moving your butt like J-Lo in front of others, go to and find classes folks have uploaded and do it in your living room. Just a hint from someone who has taught and taken about 5 million classes, DO NOT WEAR NEW SNEAKERS (on carpet especially)! The best shoes for Zmba have a slick bottom so you can turn with ease. 

Running, not walking. 

I know what you're thinking...running is hard. Yes, it is. But walking is boring as hell to me. The only exception is if I'm walking in a beautiful area. I also like strolling the baby and walking with friends, but as for just heading out the front door and going for a walk, I find it boring. Perhaps that's just me, and if you love it and it brings you peace, please continue!  I'm thrilled that my body can walk, but it's mostly a snooze fest. Remember if you're walking for health and weight loss, you probably need to pick up the pace. If you're walking like you're checking out the dollar section at Target, you're probably going too slow. I will say that when I was running regularly, I was at the lowest weight of my life and felt the best. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats a runner's high!

*Courtesy of Pinterest

Outdoor Stuff

One of my favorite ways to exercise is to work on my yard. I love to mow, rake, weed, etc. Not only do I get a pretty yard, I feel amazing.  There is something about breathing fresh air and working up a sweat that makes me at peace with the world.  If you don't have a yard to maintain, go for a hike. How is a hike different than a walk?


1. A really fun walk in a neat area that is not boring nor lame


1. A boring excursion on foot that is sometimes lame

(definitions may not be accurate)

If you've ever taken a true hike in rugged country, there is nothing like it. You don't even care that your calves are burning. The scenery is gorgeous and you are happy to be alive. Look at me! After a nice long hike, we did the steps at Chimney Rock, NC. 

Don't I look happy?

So to sum all this up, exercise is not quite as good as drinking for curing what ails you...

...but it's damn close! Get moving and feel better!

Amanda Z

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