Monday, December 29, 2014

Are you a brand ho?

When I was in sixth grade, I wanted nothing more than to wear Izod shirts. You know the ones. They were little golf-type shirts with a tiny alligator on the breast. Anyone who was anyone wore Izod, and me being a normal 11 year old girl, wanted to fit in. Unfortunately for me, there was no way in HELL my mom and dad would pay that much for a kid's shirt.

It looked a lot like this!
 One day, Providence favored me and I found an Izod shirt in a bag of hand me down clothes my mom had gotten out of the Salvation Army box. Sadly, it fit a man of about 6'3" and 240 pounds. Not to be swayed from my goal, I found a plain navy blue polo style shirt that fit me and attempted to affix the alligator to it (I pulled it off of the big man's shirt. Clever, yes?). The next day I went to school and proudly sported my real Izod shirt. I'm 44 and still suck at sewing. Imagine my skills as an 11 year old. By lunch, the alligator's mouth was pulling away from the shirt and by end of the day, it was in my book bag. It took weeks to live that one down.                                                                                    

Now that I'm older and have lived a bit, I'm no longer a brand ho. I admit there were times I felt like only a brand name would do, but living frugally has taught me one thing - store brands are almost always as good as the name brands. Not everything qualifies, but here are a few items which do:

  • Sodas: Store brand sodas taste pretty darn close to the originals for a fraction of the price. If you have to buy pop, and you shouldn't because they are bad for you, at least save money on store brands while giving yourself diabetes.
  • Clothing: Most department stores carry their own in-house brand of clothing. You can get their store brand undergarments, jeans, shirts, professional wear, etc. all for a fraction of designer prices. Don't be like me and try to trick your friends...unless you sew better than I do. 
  • Baby diapers:  Yes you can buy organic, gluten free, GMO free diapers (sunshine included) and wrap your baby's butt in unicorn skin, but why? It's a diaper. It's designed to catch poop. I use cloth most of the time (don't faint), but I need disposables occasionally. Target brand is awesome. I have also used Kroger and Lowes Food brand. Guess what? The poop was caught by all of them. 
  • Baby Formula: This one I cannot reiterate enough. If you cannot nurse and must bottle feed as I have had to do, please consider spending your money on less expensive formula. If you are not on a special formula prescribed by your doc, you are spending too much! Infant formula is protected under the Infant Formula Act. Baby food is one of the most regulated things on the planet. Save your money and get store brand. I am using Target brand, and my little man is fat and sassy!
  • Pretty much any item in the grocery store: Milk, eggs, canned veggies, creamy soups (which you should have for cooking at all times!), paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
You get the idea! There are so many things you can purchase that stretches your money. Ask yourself why am I buying the name brand shite? Is it because it's better quality or do I just assume it is? Do I want to make a corporation richer or me?

The money I have saved just this year alone is mind boggling. I've saved around $600 just on baby formula!   Don't be a slave to the Brand. If you start adding store brands to your shopping list, you'll see your savings grow too.

Note:  I'm willing to use a lot of off brand items, but my Kate Spade purse, however, is not up for discussion. Sometimes, you just have to go for the goods! :)

Amanda Z

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