Sunday, January 4, 2015

Tip 3 - Stop Blowing Your Money!!!

Today's blog is part three of our 10-part series on saving at least $1000 (or more) this year with very little pain on your part. Most of the tips will be easy and won't disrupt your routine!

Tip 3 is simple: Stop blowing your money! 

Hiking on the Blue Ridge Mountains. It's free and fun!
Money is hard to come by, but boy oh boy, is it easy to spend. For most of us, our paycheck doesn't stay long-term in our bank account- it kind of visits. No sooner do we get some money, than we turn around and it's gone.  Let's not talk about utility bills, bill collectors, debts, medical bills, car repairs, home expenses...ack! It's enough to make you go insane.  The irony is that even with the goal to be frugal and spend our money intelligently, most of us spend a lot of it on crap we just don't need. Yes, I said it. C.R.A.P.  I have often heard "the more we make, the more we spend." I agree wholeheartedly.

Your face when I tell you to stop buying crap.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not judgin'. I like to spend money as much as the next girl...maybe even more so. Unfortunately, I didn't get the silver spoon in my mouth...I got the spork. So that means if I want to improve our family's financial health, I have to tighten up and be smarter. Here are some easy ways to do it:

Stop spending money you don't have. Get your bills paid FIRST. I can't tell you how many times I hear that people have bought an item when they don't have rent money. Huh?

Budget your money. If you can't afford a car payment, don't get a new car.  Or better yet, buy a cheaper one until you can afford more. If you don't have money to add premium channels (and why would you?), don't do it. Budget.

Do your own toes and nails. I love a mani/pedi as much as the next gal. But seriously? If you are trying to save money, going to Madam Joleen's House of Beauty to get your tips and toes done is an extravagance you can't afford. I have been painting my toes since I was ten. It ain't rocket science.

Never pay full price for anything. If it's not on sale/clearance, keep walking. The regular sale's price is so over-inflated, you will end up spending much more than the item is worth. If you can't walk away, you have a bigger issue than not living frugally. This leads to the next tip.

Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you need it! I have seen people buy a chair, appliance or shirt, simply because it was a price they couldn't refuse. Yes, yes you can refuse it. Our homes are already full of junk. Save your money and only buy what you truly need.

Sell what you already have and make some cash! Check the Penny Hoarder Site for some great ideas on selling things you don't need.

Stop hanging out at malls, food courts, Walmart/Target, stores, strip malls, etc! I read elsewhere on the topic of saving money that many of us could save more just by staying home. It seems so simple, yet brilliant. If you're out and about, you're going to drop some cash. It's going to happen. Improve the place you live. Play with your kid. Walk your dog. Avoid the mall like the plague.

Avoid eating out. That doesn't mean never eat out, but most of us spend a ton of money in restaurants when we could have a delicious meal at home. Learn to cook! It's a vital skill to have, and it will save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Return to nature. You don't have to take your kid to the fancy indoor play yard that costs more than your gas fill-up for the week. Walking trails, parks, soccer fields, back yards and sidewalks are still free. Improve your physical and financial health by using them. Teach your children that playing outside is a much better alternative to watching hours upon hours of television. Which leads to the next tip.

Cancel cable - ASAP. Why anyone pays for cable in any of its forms is beyond me. It's expensive, and dare I say it, it's encouraging the obesity epidemic we see in this country. I can remember my dear father turning the television off and telling me to go play. I thank him for that to this day.

Learn to do things for yourself. I mow my own grass. I don't pay a service. I tiled my own floor. I paint my walls. If you are healthy and able-bodied, there is no reason you can't learn to do some things for yourself. You'll have pride in the fact that you did it yourself, and you will keep your pennies in your pocket.

I remodeled our foyer for the cost of supplies and some elbow grease.

Most of these seem like common sense ideas, but everyday, folks lose countless dollars by not being good money managers. It's hard to put a value on what could be saved with this list. I know I saved close to $1000 by painting the interior of my house. I save $35 every week by mowing my lawn. I save $60 a month by not having cable television.

Tally up what you can save!  Post your money saving tips in the comments below!

Stay frugal,
Amanda Z

AmandaZ is the (mature) stay-at-home mom of Pork Chop, Southern gal, thrifty bad a$$ and writer of This blog tackles all things domestic - from child rearing to cooking and home improvement to frugality. All done with a touch of humor and common sense. This is definitely not your mama's home economics site!


  1. Preach it sister! I drive what many would call a beater. However, it is mechanically sound even if it has enough miles on it to have traveled to the moon and back. I am not a car guy and it is paid for and the insurance is cheap. If someone judges me by my car then we are going to have problems in our relationship anyway. I love it when people say, "You have money so get a new car". I want to say that I have money because I don't get a new car just to have a new car. For me, a car is a functional device and as long as it functions then why replace it.

    However, I think we all have that one something or area where we treat ourselves and that is a good thing and we should. For me, it is computer hardware and software. While I do not care about my car any further than does it get me there... that is not the case with my computers. I have selected a water cooling system for my next machine!

    The biggest advice is simple. Don't buy non-essentials on credit. Credit is a cancer that will grow until it destroys you. Live not just within your means but 10% below your means. Save up to spend on your treat yourself items. Trust me, you will enjoy it more waiting. Don't compare yourself to others... It is a fools game that will impoverish you.

    Also, you can't truly be free if you are a slave to your debt. A mortgage is an investment so it can be positive debt as long as the amount you borrow is appropriate for the true value of your house. Credit Card debt should be avoided if at all possible. The interest rates quickly can become brutally high and make you a constant vassal to a bank and an account that you very well may never be able to pay fully. Your car's value should never be more that 50% of your annual income. Also, determine what the insurance company will pay if you should total the car. If that amount is significantly lower than the amount you are financing then don't do the loan. Either save up for a bigger down payment, get a better value car, or shop for a better loan. Because if you have an accident that bit of outstanding debt will get tacked on to your NEW car loan thus putting you into an even bigger hole than before.
