Monday, January 5, 2015

Easy Craft for a Child's Room!

I love to cook, decorate, garden and be frugal, but when it comes to being craftsy, well, I'm pretty lame at it.  Have you ever seen the "nailed it" memes? Yeah, a lot of my crafts turn out like that. But yesterday, my husband helped me do a craft I designed, and I think we nailed it. We made a name sign for our son's room. It was easy and you cannot screw it up.


Thin wooden letters (size is up to you)
Acrylic paint in the color(s) of your choice
A complimentary piece of ribbon
Duct tape (Nope, I'm not kidding)

First, unwind the ribbon and lay your letters on it to get an idea of the length you need. I would leave about 4" above and below your last letter. Cut and put aside.

Next, you paint the letters. We decided to do each letter a different color, but you could certainly paint them all the same. You could also paint polka dots, stripes, etc. on them if you don't want solid colors. The possibilities are only as endless as your imagination.

After the letters dry, take the first letter and place it face down. Place the ribbon on the back and securely attach with duct tape. If you have a better method, please use it (and leave a comment below telling me what you used). Hot glue did NOT work, before you waste your time trying it. So far, the tape is holding!

Continue placement and taping until all letters are affixed to the ribbon. Make sure to space the letters evenly. If you don't, it will drive you nuts, and you'll take them off and do it again.

After you finish, fold the top piece of extra fabric underneath so that you have a cute loop at the top. Secure with fabric glue. Or if you're like me, loop it underneath and nail it in place to the wall.  It's not going anywhere. Do the same to the bottom.

Voila! There you have it! A cute, cheap kid's room decoration that is fun and easy to make.

Amanda Z

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