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The Bink - My enemy; My friend |
We started out strong with the best of intentions. When our little one was born, we promised ourselves that he would be pacifier-free by two years-old. A fair and noble goal, if you ask me. He'll be young enough that his teeth won't look like Bugs Bunny, yet old enough that we can reason with him when we rip away his favorite item on the planet like the evil parents we are. So far, we have stood by our promise...which has been fairly easy since he's not two yet. But as we creep ever closer to his second birthday, we realize we're getting ready to fail big time.
The problem is I have a love/hate relationship with the Bink. I love them because I firmly believe babies who use pacifiers are happier babies. They are soothed easier and they sleep better (Note: I have no scientific proof to back this up, but as I've said before, I'm a blogger so it must be true). With all of these benefits, I've been hesitant to take away the one object that brings more peace to my home, more calm and happiness, than anything else. Well, maybe second only to a really nice Cabernet.
I hate them too. They are expensive. He bites through them, and I'm replacing them every few weeks. They're easily lost and when you find them, they're covered in dog fur and not really good for babies when bacteria-ridden. He loses them at night, and we do the sleepy parent shuffle in the dark to find a bink in the covers. Invariably, it's behind the crib, and the item that's supposed to bring ease to my life brings a royal dose of pain in the ass.
We realized back in November that his February birthday was fast approaching, and we had done nothing to make the transition. So we began planning our strategy. We would make Bink just for bedtime! He would only have it for sleeping, but no daytime use. Brilliant! Our plan was going really well, actually. Being the good baby he is, he would sweetly hand us Bink when he got up to play. What a wonderful boy. We are super parents, and he is a perfect child.
Then he got sick and our plan went into the crapper.
Our sweet little boy would shriek like a banshee when we tried to take his Bink away. Even after he got over the crud, he wouldn't go back to the nighttime bink rule. He expected to have it whenever and wherever he wanted it. We have a dish in our room where we keep the Binks until needed (The Bink Bowl). I knew we had hit rock bottom when I found myself crouched on the floor giving him "just a few sucks sweetie, but don't tell daddy" after his father reminded him that binks were only for bedtime and he wasn't sleeping. He was so pitiful, like a little baby bink junkie needing just one more suck. I admit it. I was an enabler.
So we gave up taking away the Bink for now. We failed. Baby - 1; Parents - 0.
What makes this even more difficult is he's become a three Bink-a-day sucker. Oh yes, he must have three pacifiers on the go at all times. He's hooked. If anything, he's more dependent by the hour, and we are powerless to stop it without severe pain inflicted upon all of us. It's going to get ugly, and I'm not looking forward to it. Maybe we'll delay it past his second birthday. What harm is there, really? It's not like he'll take it to college.
Will he?
If you've had success weaning your little one, let us know how you did it (PLEASE)! Be sure to share our blog and like us on Facebook. Thanks!
We traded our kids Binkys! Our son gave his to Santa at the mall when ge was around 18mos old so that he could trade them in for "big boy presents, not icky baby presents." Same with our DD, only with the Easter bunny. I think bc they arent giving it to mom or dad it seems a little easier. Granted, both of them cried for it the first night after they gave them up but after that we never heard a peep!!